Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gagafesto "The Future (sound of Gaga)" gagablog 25

When I first heard Gaga on the radio I started to fall in love and to suspect that She was the artistic genius of the new era. By the time I saw Her perform "Paparrazi" I was certain She would transform the world and veiwed Her as the incarnation of the Goddess. And I saw Her more spiritually and prophetically, specifically, than I had responding to Her genius. I think genius and crativity and awareness are how we all embody divinity. I have always felt somewhat psychic myself, with a knack for prophecy, but I won't say it was hard to see that Gaga was becoming a very important figure. I am proud of myself for dreaming of the absolute best in Her, the Goddess, and I'm so proud of Her for making it come true.
One experience I had before seeing the Paparazzi performance felt prophetic, but again I think many people must have sensed the same thing. I bought "The Fame Monster" album and of course was awestruck. And I realized that while a couple of songs were already singles and were on the radio (even in Denver!!) there were more on the album that were sure to become singles as well. Gaga's singles all had incredible impact on the culture, and the new ones were sure to have similar or greater effect. I decided it was like listening to the future, to hear the songs that would become singles "before everybody else" (though of course millions of other little monsters had the album before me!)
Just listening to the amazing songs on The Fame Monster before they were released as singles was an easy way to hear the future, and we have the same chance again today. Gaga is transforming the world, in the same way so many creative people do, by sensing the beautiful future that is possible and giving us a taste of it now and a direction to reach it. The brightest future is heaven on earth, and it is available now, but we need to make it happen, and Gaga shows us how. Our spirits can brighten our hearts and minds to make this heaven and we can do more of it every moment, until when enough of us are brightening the world it will transform and the new reality of boundless love will replace the current meager reality that is so full of hate. Gaga is so powerful and good because She fully manifests that reality, by truly believing in Love and doing the most She can to share it with the whole world. Like Ozma, the fairy ruler of Oz, She is coming from a place of pure goodness and justice and perfect love, and she fully expressed these with the surety of being the Goddess, pure heavenly. But she is also like Dorothy, the princess of Oz who is still a girl from Kansas, who adventures and has human doubts and decisions to which we can all relate. Gaga embodies both, the perfection and the journey for it, and She shows us how we have both as well, already within ourselves and also in those who love us. Dorothy could be even braver facing danger when she knew that Ozma and the Good Witch Glinda and the Wizard and her other friends were looking out for her. If we know that we are connected to the perfect love of the Goddess (or Gaga or Ozma or whatever we want to call Her) we are capable of anything, even overturning the forces that have obstructed this from being a world completely full of love and happiness.
Millions of poeple will listen to the Born This Way album and will know they are hearing the sound of the future since her singles will come out in the next few months and everyone hears them. They will know this even if they don't think to much about it, even if they don't pay attention to the lyrics or think too deeply about where Gaga is coming from and showing us the road to - Love. They will know what the next year will sound like just from hearing the album. But when more of us are paying attention to the messages Gaga brings. when we really start considering and acting on what it all means, we will know what the future holds,what eternity is, and what glory feels like. And when I say "the future", I do mean it literally, because Good will win, Truth and Justice will prevail. Gaga manifesting Love so fully to give us such a broad view of what heaven will be like is a window of Hope to the future. And She is with us now to remind us that heaven is always possible, peace and love are waiting for us to manifest them, just as we have had this reminder from Nature, other people, and in our own awareness for all of our existence. Maybe the reason the Goddess has taken such a bold form as Gaga to remind us is because we should really be urgent about applying the lessons. If we can be convinced we can do anything with love, we will go ahead and do it, make heaven on earth. This will be the future, an world of eternal love, but eternity is also present in the moment, just as Gaga is amongst us now, just as we have always had awareness. The experience of Love can make us sure of this future in the moment, can make us realize how it is already present. There is work to be done so that the whole world is full of Love, and Gaga's message is a clearing of the path and light shining through. I look forward to discussing her lyrics here. Please leave comments, let's talk and ponder and imagine, and let's all do our best to follow Gaga in re-making this world in the new, eternal fashion of Love.  Paws Up! ('''')

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