Sunday, October 8, 2017

How They're Forcing Us to Peacefully Take Over The World- Masters of the Universe: gagablog 153

I'm going to use a slightly different voice for this one, the voice we will use as Masters of the Universe.

There may already be Masters of the Hemisphere, Masters of Nations, Masters of Corporations, Masters of the World or Regions or wherever - these could all be the same people or there could be different "groups" with lots of overlap - the Major News Events can be seen as the differences, existing or depicted, of these "different" Master groups.

But they are all the same, or will all be the same when they are replaced by Us, the Masters of the Universe. I will explain this quickly since I have an hour before I have to go to work and I'm again postponing the completion of the the Shirley Fairy, Sexxx Dreams, and Artpop spells.

All of their power is based on the same worldly power of violence and money and "influence" but all of those powers come to nothing when replaced by more influential powers, based on much broader mastery. Evil powers and all built upon them can be easily swept away, will be easily swept away  -

It's kind of silly to even call ourselves the Masters of the Universe because we will be equal, all of us, and in this new arrangement the whole idea of Mastery will be changed - but it's fun to say to tell people with some authority how it's going to be - and there is a new insurance commercial with He-Man and friends facing Skeletor to remind me.

There are a few news stories from this week that, taken together, are like a spell for how We are being forced to use non-violence to take over the world.

This is a manifestation of what I predicted here years ago, that the Syrian conflict would be the window to the end of all war. Pressure, violent pressure, from all sides, like popping a balloon, makes the whole situation blow up and escape through the only non-pressured direction: non-violence.

The news stories to be compared are the Catalan independence vote, the Kurdistan independence vote media silence, the non-going, much talked about "gun debate" versus the ongoing, untalked about racism in America, and the rise of right-wing parties like AFD in Germany.

  Maybe there is some competition between the Masters of the World - maybe it's all an act and they just laugh at our suffering and grow their useless little pink wings (Simpsons "Serfsons" reference, from last week.)  - but it wont matter what their power structure really looks like once it's gone.

It's obviously built on dividing people against each other so we overcome it with all unifying, reconciling forces. We Will Be equal in the future - it's only natural - so if we Look Back from that Master of the Universe perspective, once we've taken that evil power structure away, we can see the events of Today for what they are, part of a script by the Masters of the World to divide us and keep us from uniting to rid the world of their powers. But it's just time to do it, it's unavoidable, so you see it happening naturally in response to the evil story they keep trying to write.

Why has the main news story for the last few days been about the Catalan independence vote? Why has their been zero coverage, in the same days of the Kurdistan independence vote? It seems to me that they used the Catalonia to divert world attention away from Kurdistan, and other things, and to equate the two in the world imagination: if they can reverse and shut down independence in Catalan they can set a precedent, example, or model to try and do the same in Kurdistan - or even if it goes through they could use it against Kurdistan breaking away from Iraq - somehow.

This is the point of looking at it from this perspective, which is admittedly "imaginative" (magic): I know there are long-standing forces for independence in Catalonia, I'm not saying it's "not real": what I'm saying is the Masters of the World could be using these sentiments, these people, this "nation", to try and influence the world in certain ways - and I think it backfired.

I think the closer we get to the natural, inevitable "revolution", when the few Masters of the World are replaced by Us, the Masters of the Universe, the more of these "backfires" we will see:

All of Syria, a Well-Orchestrated War (WOW) between so many countries, could backfire into a Newly Improvised Peace (NIP, in the bud) and that New Direction could take over and end all wars.

Here is one way of looking at it: Kurdistan independence is happening and They don't know how to stop it - surely they are poised to take advantage of it in deifferent ways but they mostly seem invested in postponing it, distracting us from it. The Catalonian independence vote and the Spanish crackdown and the twitterverse internet media response are all intended in certain ways to "distract" from other stories - but it backfires  -and to set examples for "how things are done" - but that backfires, too.

They had figures that 900 people were hurt by Spanish police for trying to vote - but at the same time 500 people were shot in Las Vegas by one person while they were at a concert (as I wrote that a NFL coach on TV said "shot in the arm" - and just now "give me a pervert's high five, you know how to do it" for some NBC show) And a number that has been recently floating around the interneet is over 700 people in America killed by police so far this year.

It IS terrible that the Spanish police beat 900 people for trying to vote. When compared to the ability of one person and American firepower to kill and wound 500 people in a few minutes - different kinds of terrible. And compared with American cops killing over 700 people over the year  -different kinds of terrible. And the tens of thousands of people the American cops have beaten in that same time period - just extrapolating if they kill that many of us - different kind of terrible.

And the tens of thousands of people getting killed, raped, thrown into their burning houses, etc, in Burma - different kind of terrible. MAYBE so terrible we "can't think about it" or MAYBE so terrible we can't justify NOT doing something to stop it -

But we can't justify Not Doing Anything to stop these other terrible things, either - that's what makes them Unjust. Justice demands that we do something about ALL of them - but the Masters of the World try to distract us into thinking we can't do anything, or can't do much, or if "we" can't get "them" to pass a gun law we should give up on everything.

It is Good of us to spread the story that the Spanish Police beat the voters in Catalonia. It is Interesting that the media helps spread this story but does not spread the story of Kurdistan, American police brutality  -except in distraction format, not the injustice behind the story  - or the stories of continued protest against it.

It's interesting how much the images of Spanish police beating voters spread around the internet, especially when an older lady had a bloody face. I don't know how many people were beaten by police recently in the protests in St. Louis - they completely quit reporting on them in all the hurricane coverage, or maybe they stopped protesting or the police arrested and intimidated them - but the last we heard the cops had trampled an old lady.

The Old Lady in St. Louis who was trampled WAS a story being shared on social media, maybe even mainstream media mentioned it, but compare how it was promoted in mainstream media to the image and story, a few weeks later, about the Old Lady in Catalonia whose face was bloodied by police. Is the "message" that Voting rights has more "resonance" than Police brutality? It doesn't seem to have much "resonance" - according to media attention - when the question is about black people's voting rights - or Bernie Sanders supporters voting rights - in America. Of course it's police brutality in both cases, just far worse and more sustained against black people in America, but THAT is the cause that it is SO difficult to actually get national attention for, so that even having sports celebrities join the protest ends up being diverted into a false argument about "patriotism" and diversion from the real cause.

It's interesting to compare the media focus on Catalonia with other stories - at least in BBC radio news, and maybe that is their excuse for so much focus, close proximity? - but even taking that into account it reveals the "Agenda" of the Masters of the World that we would be talking about Catalan, now, instead of as much about some of these other stories - and you can see the other stories seeping up to get the attention of the world, too.

I'm not saying it's "not real" but consider how - and WHY - it could have been orchestrated to distract people, divert "independence movements" especially if they can stop it or if their issues are "trivial" compared with other nations seeking independence -

and again all of our problems seem insignificant when compared with the Rohinge people being persecuted by An Yang Suu Kyi and the Burmese military, a population who has no Nation - maybe just carve off the edge of Burma and Bangladesh for them, by Master Decree?

What if they promoted this Catalonian Independence movement At This Time to try and mitigate these other stories, but it totally backfired on them?

I see one example of the backfire is the demonstrations across Spain for Dialogue and Peace, whether it ends up in Unity or Independence - THIS is the new model that will steal the Power from the Masters of the World for all of Us.

They probably did not mean to prompt this reaction  -and then again maybe they are orchestrating it but huimor me on this: They are saying these demonstrations were grassroots developed on social media. Our social media in America is controlled to maintain the status quo and while we CAN have movements that circumvent their powers of control I think it helps to be skeptical, too - but lets assume this is genuine grassroots effort, just the spread of an idea and action among people.

if so it could be a reaction they did not anticipate: the "hashtags" and slogans associated with the movement are 'We are Better than our Government" and "You're hurting me, let's talk" - something like that - all about finding a peaceful, non-violent solution and DENYING the government the ability to get us into violent confrontations. One of the things they are saying is that if the government can't avoid violence they will take over the government - with non-violence, but showing the idea that "force" is ever even USEFUL, much less necessary, is dying out with the powers of the Masters of the World - because that is the ultimate root of all their power, violence and the fear of it.

IF Catalonia is an example of a "promoted distraction" but the Dialogue movement is a REAL reaction to it, we can see a model of how all this backfiring will shut down the Machine.

Catalonia may be the natural outcome of social forces - but the news around it has certainly been promoted beyond other stories, especially compared with Kurdistan. And almost "magically" the comparison with these other stories that are not part of the "plan" - the mass murder shooting in Las Vegas and the social media spread of the over 700 figure of victims of police murders in America - the fact that these stories, or the image of the old lady in St. Louis being trampled, are NOT as promoted as the Catalonia story and images shows the Agenda behind it.

But it keeps backfiring - the same old story that the politicians can't do anything about gun control excpet a dance scripted by the NRA is playing out again  - but I suspect people will simply give up on a "government solution" and what will end the gun craze in America will be more like a Third Great Awakening  - a social awareness that changes the culture.

Same with ending police brutality, ending war, ending poverty, injustice, actually providing health care for each other - especially with Weed we will start New Models of doing things that simply ignore the Government - unless it wants to adopt and support our models and Make itself Relevant again.

There was some talk about the Nobel Peace Prize going to ICAN, the group dedicated to ending all nuclear weapons. It's definitely what I support and I truly believe we just promote a different way of thinking and it will be easy for everyone to give up nuclear weapons.

I quit smoking 4 days ago, cigarettes. Always spelled it with two R's, too. Oh well.

This group demonstrating in Spain, they are using White as a color symbol. White for blank canvas, to build something, for Unity, for non-affiliation with one side or another. It reminds me of the meaning of Islam, "submission." It reminds me of the Surrender Flag.

It reminds me of Jesus.

It reminds me you WIN by Surrender, this movement is openly talking about taking over the government if the government is not as good as they are, if the government is not good enough to avoid war.

Why can't we do that in America? An All-White Party to insist on Peace Only? ("made with 100% white meat" the commercial said as I typed that.) Just Get Together, Party, Peacefully, But Let Them Know - if you insist on WAR, we Take Over.

Not With Violence, just with our overwhelming Numbers, We Walk Over and Take Over.

That's what Spain is threatening to do if Catalonia breaks away, come over With Force and Take Over. But IF THEY DO, the PEOPLE will come over to Spanish Givernment, With PEACE - but TAKE OVER.

That's what we should do, here, too - start massing in the streets, or online, or Spapchat, whatever the fuck, just start showing our numbers, our unity, our principles, that we will NOT accept violence and will take over if our leaders insist on violent paths.

Just do this for America and North Korea - for EVERYONE. If All of Us, ALL PEOPLE, just tell ALL GOVERNMENTS  - "We are Better than You if you can't find non-violent solutions" - Put them ALL on Notice - Theresa May made the news this week for getting a pink slip and a frog in her throat - we WILL take over if you don't find non-violent solutions.

Some other news seemed to confirm this idea that there is Only One Way to Go, in a world of Violent Forces Pressing on All Sides, the ONLY Way To Go is Non-Violence, to get OUT of the whole situation.

There has been a lot of talk in the news about how AFD won seats in Germany, now a Nationalist party has won some power in New Zealand, too - like Republicans in America these parties have preyed upon people's fears when Good Government could just fix the problems so people wouldn't have to be afraid (and Democrats have been accomplices by being really, really Bad) But the talk in the media has mentioned how hate speech is covered as Free Speech but if it crosses the line and advocates violence then it is no longer protected and becomes illegal.

When talking about this pundits have mentioned that allowing Bad Ideas to be expressed is essential because it gives other people a chance to identify and counter the ideas with better ones. Trump is like a national example of this. But allowing those words to advocate violence is too dangerous - allowing those words to be backed up with violence is Wrong, and we ALL agree on this, legally - but Trump is a national example of this, too, he is the One who can launch nuclear codes.

So the idea that you can Say Whatever You Want - but it CAN NOT be backed up with a threat of violence or it is no longer protected Free Speech - should be applied to our governments, our presidents, because it is sound in Principle - let them say all the stupid stuff they want as long as they can't do anything Violent about it. They Represent Us, after all  -and they truly do. If there are enough people who think fearfully and stupid, a Stupid and Fearful Leader represents us, well. If they Don't represent us well we overthrow them. But they either make more stupid people so we can have more stupid leaders or if we get smarter, kinder, we get smarter, kinder leaders. They make us get their haircuts if they can and see how far they can push us, is all, until we push back.

But we push back with IDEAS, not violence. We don't actually have any nuclear bombs - i don't, no American does. So Why have a leader who represents us - but has nuclear bombs all the sudden? None of us know what that is like. We are all used to running our mouths, talking a lot of shit, but not having nuclear bombs to back it up with. We should be allowed to elect a leader who can talk all the shit he or she wants but has no nuclear bombs to back it up - because that represents us.

That's what we are like. A lot of Shit Talking. No Nuclear Bombs.

Adding nuclear bombs just makes everything terrible.

The idea is that Free Speech includes Hate Speech, as long as it doesn't advocate violence, so that people can hear who has these ideas and respond to them, give them better ideas.

In the reports about Catalonia they said that, in the weeks leading up to this election, anyone who spoke up for staying in Spain was shouted down and labelled as a fascist - someone said the fact that they never talked about it, about the actual issues, because they shouted out the Other Side, is why no one really knew quite what they were voting for - and why the outcome is so unstable.

Now banks and business have left the area due to the uncertainty, there seems to be all these internal politics, pushing the meeting about it from Monday, tomorrow, to Tuesday  -and not officially about it, anymore, either. It's a "fluid" situation.

And I wonder if it was orchestrated by a "Master" who felt they could control or benefit from the fluidity - but I wondered if it backfired on them.

I wonder if it all started as an attempt to distract from Kurdistan, from other issues, but ended up being the blueprint for how We Will Peacefully Take over the World.

And I wonder if it will be like some sort of slapstick comedy, that no matter what the governments and Masters do to try to stay in power, to try to keep from falling over, everything they do will be like they keep putting their foot in the bucket and tripping over the cat and down the cellar stairs and into the wheelbarrow and roll down the hill and off the cliff and off to sea and everything.

So it's like we don't even have to try  -I'm protesting police brutality by watching thr NFL - whatever they do will just force themselves from power, because the time of Force is Over.

We have a new model, surrender, just get along no matter what, don't let the governments turn us against each other.

I've had this model for the political group "Peacepipe Party" for over ten years now - peace and pot are unifying enough issues and help us in enough ways it's really all we need.

it eventually becomes All of Us - those who want Peace - versus "Them" - and the Consciousness Learning we receive is that there IS NO THEM - "them" is the relic of the Military, "Master"-mind.

I read that Ram Dass book, it was okay, he mentioned that he was 41, in 1970 or 72, when he was giving the talk, and I'm 41 now that I happened to find and read that book. He's very impressed when people read his mind, etc. I'm more impressed by what we all do, together, once we aren't so much worried about our boundaries and borders but trust and enjoy each other more.

Time to go to work - but soon, time for more stories, music, and art, the REAL, fantasy, Work!

I just had to write this, and it was supposed to be short, about how this "We Are Better Than Our Government" movement could be the unintended consequence of the latest diversion technique that totally backfires on them and makes a path for us to take over the world, peacefully, if they keep forcing us to,

Thanks, everyone! You look fabulous in white! I Wish I could talk with you all, hit me up sometime!

Tell Stefani I said Hi, too - I love her, miss her, can't wait any more or hold this world up to delay getting back to her, back into Love - it's the only real world there is, but these dreamworlds can be wild and exciting, too - just time to get back to the real world or more pleasant dreams in the meantimes! instead of Mean-times, Fun In-between times!

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